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《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经已广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作(他是位长笛演奏家),根据19世纪英国学者威廉·查培尔(William Chappell)所做的研究资料指出,《绿袖子》的旋律最早是记录在16世纪末英国著名的鲁特琴曲集《William Ballet's Lute Book》,歌词部份则出现在1584年。然而这首歌曲真正广为流传开来,则是在英国作曲家约翰·盖伊(John Gay)将它编入为了对抗意大利歌剧所创作的 《乞丐歌剧》(The Beggar's Opera,1728)中。
这首民谣的旋律非常古典而优雅,是一首描写对爱情感到忧伤的歌曲,但它受到世人喜爱的层面却不仅仅局限在爱情的领域,有人将它换了歌词演唱、也有人将它作为圣诞歌曲,而它被改编为器乐演奏的版本也是多不胜数,有小品、有室内乐、有管弦乐…,而这其中又以上述的《乞丐歌剧》和英国作曲家佛汉威廉斯 (Vaughan illiams)所写的《绿袖子幻想曲》(“Fantasia on Greensleeves”)最具代表性。
在《绿袖子》的诸多乐器版本中,最能表现此曲略为凄美的情境,除了最早的鲁特琴版本、吉他版本一直以其独特的音色而独树一帜。另一方面,在众多古典吉他改编的版本里,又以英国鲁特琴音乐家佛朗西斯·卡汀 (Francis Cutting)所做的编曲最受大众所推崇和喜爱。中国乐迷对《绿袖子》的了解大多来源于曼托瓦尼轻乐团的改编曲。
此外,比较著名的版本尚有奥地利吉他家卡尔·夏伊 (Karl Scheit)为吉他二重奏所写的《绿袖子变奏曲》。
今天所上传的是《Fantasia on Greensleeves - Academy of St Martin-In-The-Fields, Neville Marriner》
CD1 1. Fantasia on Greensleeves - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall |
2. The Lark Ascending - Iona Brown, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Michael Bremner, Stanley Goodall |
3. 1. March: Seventeen come Sunday - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall |
4. 2. Intermezzo: My bonny boy - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall |
5. 3. March: Folk Songs from Somerset - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall |
6. Serenade for strings - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Stanley Goodall, Andrew Pinder, Peter Warlock |
7. 1. Basse-danse - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock |
8. 2. Pavane - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Neville Marriner, Martin Atkinson, Peter Warlock |
9. 3. Tordion - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock |
10. 4. Bransles - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock |
11. 5. Pied-en- l'air - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock |
12. 6. Mattachins (Sword Dance) - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock |
13. A Shropshire Lad - Rhapsody - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon |
14. Two English Idylls - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon |
15. The Banks of Green Willow - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon |
CD2 |
1. The Walk to the Paradise Garden (Intermezzo from "A Village Romeo and Juliet") - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
2. Intermezzo and Serenade from Hassan - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
3. A Song before sunrise - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
4. On hearing the first Cuckoo in Spring - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
5. Summer night on the river - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
6. La Calinda (Choral dance) - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson |
7. 1. Allegro piacevole - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
8. 2. Larghetto - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
9. 3. Allegretto - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
10. Sospiri, Op.70 - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
11. Elegy for strings, Op.58 - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
12. Suite from the Spanish Lady - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve |
13. Introduction and Allegro for Strings, Op.47 - Michael Bremner, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Kenneth Wilkinson, Neville Marriner, Alan Reeve, Hugh Maguire, Raymond Keenlyside, Kenneth Essex, Kenneth Heath, Edward Elgar 第一次上传,有出错的地方还请见谅 |