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Fantasia on Greensleeves 已失效,待补档

分享:sKYline 日期:2010-02-01 喜欢: 热度:

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  《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经已广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作(他是位长笛演奏家),根据19世纪英国学者威廉·查培尔(William Chappell)所做的研究资料指出,《绿袖子》的旋律最早是记录在16世纪末英国著名的鲁特琴曲集《William Ballet's Lute Book》,歌词部份则出现在1584年。然而这首歌曲真正广为流传开来,则是在英国作曲家约翰·盖伊(John Gay)将它编入为了对抗意大利歌剧所创作的 《乞丐歌剧》(The Beggar's Opera,1728)中。
  这首民谣的旋律非常古典而优雅,是一首描写对爱情感到忧伤的歌曲,但它受到世人喜爱的层面却不仅仅局限在爱情的领域,有人将它换了歌词演唱、也有人将它作为圣诞歌曲,而它被改编为器乐演奏的版本也是多不胜数,有小品、有室内乐、有管弦乐…,而这其中又以上述的《乞丐歌剧》和英国作曲家佛汉威廉斯 (Vaughan illiams)所写的《绿袖子幻想曲》(“Fantasia on Greensleeves”)最具代表性。
  在《绿袖子》的诸多乐器版本中,最能表现此曲略为凄美的情境,除了最早的鲁特琴版本、吉他版本一直以其独特的音色而独树一帜。另一方面,在众多古典吉他改编的版本里,又以英国鲁特琴音乐家佛朗西斯·卡汀 (Francis Cutting)所做的编曲最受大众所推崇和喜爱。中国乐迷对《绿袖子》的了解大多来源于曼托瓦尼轻乐团的改编曲。
  此外,比较著名的版本尚有奥地利吉他家卡尔·夏伊 (Karl Scheit)为吉他二重奏所写的《绿袖子变奏曲》。
今天所上传的是《Fantasia on Greensleeves - Academy of St Martin-In-The-Fields, Neville Marriner》


1. Fantasia on Greensleeves - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall

2. The Lark Ascending - Iona Brown, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Michael Bremner, Stanley Goodall
3. 1. March: Seventeen come Sunday - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall
4. 2. Intermezzo: My bonny boy - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall
5. 3. March: Folk Songs from Somerset - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall
6. Serenade for strings - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Stanley Goodall, Andrew Pinder, Peter Warlock
7. 1. Basse-danse - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock
8. 2. Pavane - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Neville Marriner, Martin Atkinson, Peter Warlock
9. 3. Tordion - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock
10. 4. Bransles - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock
11. 5. Pied-en- l'air - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock
12. 6. Mattachins (Sword Dance) - Chris Hazell, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, John Dunkerley, Nicholas Kraemer, Martin Atkinson, Neville Marriner, Peter Warlock
13. A Shropshire Lad - Rhapsody - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon
14. Two English Idylls - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon
15. The Banks of Green Willow - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, George Butterworth, Chris Hazell, Stanley Goodall, Simon Eadon
1. The Walk to the Paradise Garden (Intermezzo from "A Village Romeo and Juliet") - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
2. Intermezzo and Serenade from Hassan - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
3. A Song before sunrise - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
4. On hearing the first Cuckoo in Spring - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
5. Summer night on the river - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
6. La Calinda (Choral dance) - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Frederick Delius, Chris Hazell, John Dunkerley, Martin Atkinson
7. 1. Allegro piacevole - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve
8. 2. Larghetto - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve
9. 3. Allegretto - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve
10. Sospiri, Op.70 - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve
11. Elegy for strings, Op.58 - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve
12. Suite from the Spanish Lady - The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner, Edward Elgar, Michael Bremner, Kenneth Wilkinson, Alan Reeve

13. Introduction and Allegro for Strings, Op.47 - Michael Bremner, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Kenneth Wilkinson, Neville Marriner, Alan Reeve, Hugh Maguire, Raymond Keenlyside, Kenneth Essex, Kenneth Heath, Edward Elgar



