阿凡达(Avatar)是一部科幻电影,由著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,二十世纪福克斯出品。该影片预算超过5亿美元,成为电影史上预算最高的电影。此外,由卡梅隆导演注入心血的全平台同名游戏《阿凡达(James Camerons Avatar: The Game)》已于2009年12月1日率先推出,游戏类型为TPS(第三人科幻称射击动作游戏),支持3D显示器。该片有3D、平面胶片、IMAX胶片三种制式供观众选择。
1.don't dream in cryo....'
2 Jake enters his avatar world
3 Pure spirits of the forest
4 Night iridescence
5 Becoming one of 'The People' Becoming one with Neytiri
6 Climbing up 'Iknimaya - The Stairway to Heaven'
7 Jake's first flight
8 Scorched earth
9 Quaritch
10 The destruction of 'Home Tree'
11 Shutting down Grace's lab
12 Gathering all the Na'vi clans for battle